Driving, Write Notes With Your Voice

Here’s the situation: You’re driving down the road and you want to be safe. A great blog post, product creation or any other wonderful idea pops into your head and needs to be recorded before you forget it. You are adept at driving with your knees, but not so much at writing while driving.

The Solution: I call Jott. They ask me who I want to Jott, I say myself. The response is “Jott Yourself.” It almost seems like they are swearing at me every time, then I remember to say my notes. When complete I can set a reminder about this note.

I can also Jott anyone I want, I just need their email address. So I have sent Jotts to my wife and a customer who doesn’t pay their bills (as a reminder).

Later I check my email and the note has been transcribed. The first few Jotts were an OK transcription, now they are very good. I think the computer transcriber gets to know my voice over time. Try it for yourself at:


I even used it for this blog post today. I took the text from the email, made a few edits and here it is.

Jott Yourself,
Sam Carrara

About Sam

I try to enjoy life and impart tidbits of wisdom with other people. This picture of me was taken on top of a ski slope in Aspen, Colorado after a wedding for my sister-in-law.
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4 Responses to Driving, Write Notes With Your Voice

  1. This is obviously one great post. Thanks for the valuable information and insights you have so provided here. Keep it up!

  2. Pingback: Quick… Jott This Down! | Keith Goodrum

  3. Arrangeur says:

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  4. Sam says:

    It’s great to start getting comments in another language. Je parle francais un petit peu.

    p.s. Digg, Furl, Reddit, and the others are bookmarking websites. You can use them to save your favorite webpages online.

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