Brazil- Day Two Part 2

In the afternoon of Day Two (Sunday) we went out to a beautiful camp that Nathan Fray has purchased to use for summer camps. It is 12 acres with five houses, a pool and 1100 feet of lake frontage.

Surprisingly this location is considered part of the City, but is far removed from the noise and number of people. One great thing for the camp is that it is accessible by city bus ($1.50 fare) and the final two kilometers the campers can walk in or be shuttled in cars or a bus.

On one side the land is owned by the government and across the lake is owned by the utility. Both sections of land will probably never be developed. Future plans are to add a dock for water sports, a soccer field, a volleyball field, a sandy beach and a lot more. This property is beautiful.

Instead of working at the church at Morales Prado, I and three other men will be working to fix up the camp. After viewing the camp we went to the second church they built called Jardim Mirna. These services were also very enjoyable.

Wonderful Camp,
Sam Carrara

About Sam

I try to enjoy life and impart tidbits of wisdom with other people. This picture of me was taken on top of a ski slope in Aspen, Colorado after a wedding for my sister-in-law.
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One Response to Brazil- Day Two Part 2

  1. Nancy says:

    I feel a great experience while reading the post made by Carrara. The beautiful description make a great nostalgia. Wherever we conduct a camp it should be like this

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