A few days ago I had two different posts about Customer Service and Wendy’s. I was checking my error logs and saw that alot of people were not finding the pages because of the link was wierd. Let me show you how they looked and how to fix them:
Post Titles and Links:
Customer Service- Wendy’s
Customer Service- Wendy’s 2
The first one looks fine, but the second looks like awful. For some reason the ‘ threw off the permalink. So what I need to do is change the post’s permalink. In the wordpress admin area I would use this box “Post Slug”:
So instead of having customer-service-wendy%e2%80%99s-2, I would put customer-service-wendys-2. That looks nicer and hopefully will stop errors. So now the link is:
The other way to fix this is to do it using phpmyadmin directly accessing your database. Use the method above, it’s easier.
How do I run into so many errors? I am taking action and getting things done. You could never have errors, but that means that everything needs to perfect and take months of review. Have errors, they are great learning experiences.
Fail Faster,
Sam Carrara
I think any thing shouldn’t have success without any error.The perfect person,who never makes error, would learn from the errors made in past.Faster the fail,Faster the success